Brand Archetype
The Everyman
Ah, the everyman (or woman) They're not just your average Joe. They're the relatable rebel, the down-to-earth dynamo. They're the guy next door, but with a secret sauce of charm and charisma, this one is one of our favourites!

The Everyman is the relatable, down-to-earth personality type. They’re the average Joe or Jane, but with a unique blend of charm and charisma that makes them stand out. They’re the person you can connect with on a personal level, the friend who always has your back.

Associated terms: ordinary, common, normal, typical, average, everyday, familiar, familiar, conventional, traditional, mainstream, run-of-the-mill, unremarkable, unexceptional.

Core desires: to belong, to fit in, to be accepted, to be understood.

Fears: being different, being excluded, being alone, being misunderstood.

In branding, the Everyman archetype is best suited for:

  • Products or services that are accessible and affordable.
  • Brands that emphasize authenticity and relatability.
  • Brands that promote community and belonging.
  • Products or services that cater to a wide range of consumers.
  • Brands that evoke feelings of nostalgia or a simpler time.